Two Direct Social Security Payments Coming Soon – Retirees to Receive a Significant Payment

Martin O'Malley

In just a few hours, two direct Social Security payments will be reaching the bank accounts of retired workers and disabled individuals. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), retirees may receive between $1,900 and $4,873 in monthly benefits, while disabled individuals can expect payments ranging from $1,537 to $3,822. If you qualify for these … Read more

July Social Security Payment Increase – Additional Funds for Retirees from the 2024 COLA

Joe Biden

Every month, Social Security beneficiaries receive a boost from the cost of living adjustment (COLA), typically confirmed at the end of the year. As of January, retirees are seeing a 3.2% increase in their Social Security payment amounts, helping them keep pace with inflation and cover daily expenses. Despite this increase, many seniors feel that … Read more

Upcoming Social Security Changes in the Next Few Months – How They Will Affect Retiree Paychecks

Joe Biden

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the federal agency responsible for sending out millions of benefit checks to more than 71 million beneficiaries in the United States. Established in 1935, the SSA continually evolves, making changes to its requirements and developing new rules for the Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income … Read more

Who Gets Social Security Checks This Week? $4,873 Checks Will Be Mailed

Joe Biden

If you’ve applied for Social Security benefits, you’ll be receiving payments to help cover your living expenses. For retired workers who qualify for the maximum benefit, expect to receive a monthly check of $4,873 next week. However, not everyone is eligible for this amount, as the Social Security Administration (SSA) calculates payments based on factors … Read more

$300 Cut in Social Security Benefits – The Retirees Who Will Get Less Money

Joe Biden

Social Security is a lifeline for most retirees, providing the financial support needed to cover basic living expenses. Any change to this system can significantly impact their lives and finances. Staying informed about potential changes from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is crucial to evaluate how these changes might affect you and your family. There … Read more

Bad News for Retirees: Social Security Payroll Taxes Will Rise – Affecting Millions of Americans

Joe Biden

The sustainability of the Social Security program is in jeopardy, and its potential collapse would leave millions of Americans without a significant portion of their income in old age. To combat this looming crisis, one widely approved solution is to raise payroll taxes. Rising Payroll Taxes The amount of payroll taxes increases annually, but many … Read more

The Large Amount of Money Retirees Will Not Receive in June – Social Security Announces No Payment of $1,400

Joe Biden

Seniors over 65 will not receive their monthly SSI payment in June because the Social Security Administration (SSA) moved the June payment to Friday, May 31. This shift means millions of SSI recipients will miss their monthly benefits, which range from $698 to $1,415. The federal agency provides SSI payments to nearly 5 million low-income … Read more

Everything Will Change in Social Security – 3 Changes That Will Surprise Millions of Seniors

Joe Biden

In April 2024, over 50 million retired workers received Social Security benefits, with many relying on these payments as their primary income source. A Gallup survey revealed that 88% of retirees depend on Social Security, with 60% considering it a “major source” of income. Given its significance, it’s crucial for beneficiaries and future recipients to … Read more

The Prospects of a 9% COLA in 2025 – What It Means for Retirees

Joe Biden

With economic uncertainties continuing to loom large, discussions about the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) for 2025 are heating up. Comparisons with the notable 8.7% increase in 2023 have fueled speculation about next year’s adjustments. Economists, lawmakers, nonprofits, and other experts are keen on predicting the next COLA figure while striving to stabilize the economy, … Read more

The Little-Known $4,200 Social Security Payment – You Must Meet These Requirements

Joe Biden

There is a lesser-known $4,200 Social Security payment that some Americans can qualify for if they meet specific requirements. Due to the economic impact of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, inflation has surged, particularly affecting essential goods like cooking oil and gasoline. In response, the federal government is offering an additional stimulus payment … Read more