10 Most Valuable Lincoln Pennies You Could Have Worth a Fortune

1960-D Over D Small Date Penny

Lincoln pennies have a storied history, and for collectors, some editions stand out due to their rarity, design errors, or unique historical significance. If you’re a fan of Abraham Lincoln and enjoy coin collecting, here’s a list of the most valuable Lincoln Memorial pennies, some of which could be worth thousands of dollars. 1983-D Bronze … Read more

4 Rare Dimes and a Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $22 Million Each Still in Circulation

1916-D Mercury Dime

If you enjoy collecting coins, you might be lucky enough to stumble upon rare and valuable pieces hidden in your everyday pocket change. Some of these coins, such as certain rare dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter, are worth an astonishing $22 million each. Let’s cut into the fascinating stories behind these hidden gems and learn … Read more