Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $16 Million – 7 More Valued Over $50 Million USD

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By: Richard S

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Coin collecting is a realm brimming with tales of astonishing finds and hidden treasures. One such marvel is the Bicentennial Quarter, which has recently gained attention for its staggering value. Let’s look into the fascinating world of rare coins, focusing on the Bicentennial Quarter and seven other coins, each valued at over $50 million USD.

Bicentennial Quarter

The Bicentennial Quarter, released in 1976, marks the 200th anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence. While most of these quarters are worth only their face value, a few rare variants have fetched jaw-dropping prices. One such coin, distinguished by a unique minting error, was sold for nearly $16 million. This quarter is prized for its rarity and historical significance, making it a coveted item among collectors.

1933 Double Eagle

The 1933 Double Eagle is a $20 U.S. gold coin that has become one of the most valuable coins in the world. Originally minted during the Great Depression, most of these coins were never released to the public. The few that survived became highly sought after. In 2002, one of these coins was auctioned for over $7.5 million and is now estimated to be worth around $75 million, owing to its rarity and the intriguing history surrounding its minting and survival.

Flowing Hair Silver/Copper Dollar 1794/5

The Flowing Hair Dollar, minted in 1794 and 1795, was the first dollar coin issued by the U.S. federal government. Its design, featuring a profile of Lady Liberty with flowing hair, is iconic. A well-preserved specimen of this coin can fetch upwards of $50 million, making it one of the most valuable and historically significant coins in existence.

Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle 1907

Designed by renowned sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the 1907 Double Eagle is considered by many to be the most beautiful coin ever minted by the United States. Its high relief and intricate design make it highly desirable. A pristine specimen of this coin is valued at over $50 million, a testament to its artistic and historical value.

Brasher Doubloon 1787

The Brasher Doubloon, minted in 1787 by goldsmith Ephraim Brasher, is one of the earliest gold coins struck in the United States. Its rarity and the story of its creation contribute to its high value, estimated at around $50 million. This coin is a significant piece of early American numismatic history.

Liberty Head Nickel 1913

The Liberty Head Nickel, particularly the 1913 edition, is shrouded in mystery. Only five specimens are known to exist, and their origin is still a topic of debate among numismatists. Due to its rarity and the intrigue surrounding its history, a Liberty Head Nickel can command a price of over $50 million.

Edward III Florin 1343

The Edward III Florin, minted in 1343, is a rare medieval gold coin from England. Its historical significance, age, and the fact that only three specimens are known to exist make it extremely valuable, with an estimated worth of over $50 million. This coin is a window into the medieval European economy and coinage practices.

Umayyad Gold Dinar 723

The Umayyad Gold Dinar, dated 723, is one of the earliest Islamic gold coins. Its historical importance, coupled with its rarity, makes it one of the most valuable coins in the world. A specimen of this coin was sold for over $50 million, highlighting its significance in the history of Islamic coinage.

CoinYearValue (USD)Notable Feature
Bicentennial Quarter1976$16 millionUnique minting error
1933 Double Eagle1933$75 millionGreat Depression rarity
Flowing Hair Silver/Copper Dollar1794/5$50 millionFirst U.S. dollar coin
Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle1907$50 millionArtistic design by Saint-Gaudens
Brasher Doubloon1787$50 millionEarly American gold coin
Liberty Head Nickel1913$50 millionOnly five known specimens
Edward III Florin1343$50 millionRare medieval English coin
Umayyad Gold Dinar723$50 millionEarly Islamic gold coin

The world of rare coins is a testament to the rich history and cultural significance embedded in these small pieces of metal. From the Bicentennial Quarter to the Umayyad Gold Dinar, each coin tells a unique story, reflecting the era and the society in which it was minted.

Collectors and historians alike treasure these coins, not just for their monetary value, but for the glimpse they offer into our past. As we continue to know and appreciate these rare treasures, they remind us of the enduring legacy of human civilization and its diverse economic and artistic history.


What makes the Bicentennial Quarter so valuable?

The Bicentennial Quarter is valuable due to a unique minting error that makes it rare and historically significant.

How many 1933 Double Eagles exist today?

Only a few 1933 Double Eagles exist, as most were melted down during the Great Depression.

Why is the Flowing Hair Dollar important?

The Flowing Hair Dollar is important because it was the first dollar coin issued by the U.S. federal government.

What is special about the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle?

The Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle is special for its high relief and intricate design, making it a masterpiece of coin art.

How rare is the Liberty Head Nickel?

The Liberty Head Nickel is extremely rare, with only five known specimens, adding to its mystery and value.

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