New $1,400 Check in New York – You Must Fulfill These Requirements

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By: Richard S

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New York State residents can expect a financial boost as STAR checks are soon to be mailed to qualifying residents. The School Tax Relief (STAR) program offers property tax relief to eligible homeowners, helping to offset their school tax bills.

For many families, this rebate is crucial, with average checks amounting to $1,407. If you qualified for 2023 but missed the registration deadline, it’s essential to register now for the 2024 rebate to avoid any delays due to bureaucratic processes.


Types of STAR Rebates

There are two types of STAR rebates: Basic STAR and Enhanced STAR. Both are available only to homeowners in New York State, and residents can only claim the check for their primary residence. In 2023, the average check was $778 for Basic STAR and $1,407 for Enhanced STAR, reflecting the different eligibility conditions.

New York STAR Requirements

The Basic STAR check is available to homeowners with incomes below $500,000 for the STAR credit, regardless of age. There is also a STAR exemption for homeowners with incomes below $250,000. The income limit applies to the combined incomes of the owners and their spouses who reside at the property. Therefore, there can only be one STAR rebate per couple, no matter how many properties they own together.

Enhanced STAR

The Enhanced STAR exemption provides a larger benefit for seniors who meet specific income and eligibility criteria. To qualify for the Enhanced STAR check:

  • Primary Residence: You must own your home, and it must be your primary residence.
  • Age: You must be 65 or older by December 31, 2024. For jointly owned property, only one spouse or sibling needs to meet this age requirement.
  • Income Limit: Your income must not exceed $93,200. This includes the combined incomes of all owners and any resident spouse. Income is defined as federal adjusted gross income minus the taxable amount of total distributions from IRAs.
  • Ownership: The property must be owned by the eligible applicant(s).
  • One STAR Benefit: A married couple can receive only one STAR benefit, regardless of how many properties they own, unless they are legally separated.

Even if you do not currently reside in your home, such as being in a nursing home, you still qualify for the Enhanced STAR rebate.

Updating Information

You only need to register once at the same address to receive the check. If you move, you must re-register, especially if you want to receive previous checks at your new address. Always ensure you communicate these changes to relevant authorities and verify that your information is updated correctly.

To determine your income eligibility for the 2024 Enhanced STAR exemption, consult your 2023 state or federal income tax return. Specifically, refer to:

  • Federal Form 1040, adjusted gross income (line 11) minus the taxable portion of IRA distributions (4B)
  • New York State Form IT-201, Resident Income Tax Return

Check Processing

The checks will start being processed in the summer and are scheduled to be issued by September 11. However, different districts will receive them on different dates. You can check your district’s schedule to see when you will receive your check.


What is the STAR program?

The School Tax Relief (STAR) program provides property tax relief to eligible homeowners in New York State, helping to offset school tax bills.

Who is eligible for the Basic STAR check?

Homeowners with incomes below $500,000 for the STAR credit or $250,000 for the STAR exemption, irrespective of age, are eligible for the Basic STAR check.

What are the criteria for the Enhanced STAR check?

To qualify for the Enhanced STAR check, you must be 65 or older by December 31, 2024, own your primary residence, and have an income not exceeding $93,200.

How do I update my address for the STAR check?

You must re-register if you move to a new primary residence and ensure you communicate the change to relevant authorities to update your information.

When will the STAR checks be issued?

The checks will be processed in the summer and issued by September 11, with distribution dates varying by district.


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