Minimum Pension Payments 2024 – Latest Rates and Updates for Australia


Retirement brings various financial planning decisions, one of which is how to utilize your superannuation. Many retirees choose to draw a minimum part of their super as an income stream, benefiting from nontaxable payments until their super account is depleted. This article outlines the essential information on minimum pension payments for 2024 in Australia, including rates, updates, and eligibility criteria.

Minimum Pension

The minimum pension payment is the least amount you must withdraw each year from your superannuation account, as mandated by the government. This amount is based on your age and the balance of your pension account at the start of each fiscal year, typically July 1.


For instance, if you are under 65, the minimum withdrawal rate is 4% of your account balance. This rate increases with age, ensuring that older retirees draw a larger portion of their super annually to support their retirement income needs. Here’s a breakdown of the minimum drawdown rates:

AgeMinimum Drawdown Rate 2024
Younger than 654%
95 or older14%

Latest Updates

As of 2024, individuals in a retirement income stream must base their minimum yearly payment on the account balance as of July 1, multiplied by the age-specific percentage factor. Any income payments made at a voluntary minimum rate or below the standard rate will be automatically adjusted, enhancing their income stream.

In response to rising costs, the government has increased various subsidies: transportation by 15%, allowances by 8%, Medicare facilities by 6.7%, and electricity bills by 12%. These adjustments aim to alleviate financial pressure on elderly citizens, ensuring they maintain a reasonable standard of living despite drastic changes in the economy.


It’s important to note that for those receiving fortnightly income support, the first payment in July will not be adjusted.

Minimum Pension Rates

Let’s consider an example to illustrate how the minimum pension payment works. If you start your pension on July 1 with a balance of $300,000 and you are 75 years old, your minimum payment for the year would be 6% of $300,000, which amounts to $18,000. While there are minimum requirements, you are free to withdraw more than this amount from your pension account if needed.

Age Pension Payment Dates

Pension payments are treated differently for tax purposes compared to lump sum withdrawals. Pension payments are generally taxed based on age, with different rates applying if you are under or over 60. Lump sum withdrawals may also have tax implications depending on your age and the amount withdrawn.

Pension payments are made fortnightly on the 8th, 14th, and 28th of each month, providing regular support to pensioners. Additionally, retirees may qualify for supplementary payments, such as rent assistance. For singles, the pension supplement ranges from $43.90 to $81.60, and for couples, it ranges from $33.10 to $61.50 each, paid quarterly to help cover essential living costs.

All You Need to Know

The Age Pension in Australia is designed to provide financial support to older Australians who lack sufficient income from savings or superannuation. The Work Bonus allows Age Pensioners to earn extra income without reducing their pension payments. As of 2024, pensioners can earn up to $300 per fortnight from employment income without affecting their pension.

Starting from July 2024, there have been adjustments to the pension rates. For single pensioners, the maximum fortnightly payment is now $1,064.00, an increase of $19.60. Couples living together will receive a combined maximum payment of $1,604.00 per fortnight, up by $28.80. These adjustments are made twice yearly, in March and September, to keep up with inflation and living expenses.

By knowing these minimum pension payments and updates, retirees can better manage their superannuation and ensure a stable and comfortable retirement.


What is the minimum pension payment rate for those under 65?

The rate is 4% of the account balance.

How often are Age Pension payments made?

Payments are made fortnightly on the 8th, 14th, and 28th of each month.

Can I withdraw more than the minimum pension amount?

Yes, you can withdraw more than the minimum amount.

What are the new pension rates for singles and couples in 2024?

Singles: $1,064.00 per fortnight; Couples: $1,604.00 per fortnight.

How does the Work Bonus affect pensioners?

Pensioners can earn up to $300 per fortnight from employment without affecting their pension.


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