DWP PIP Rates 2024 to 2025 – Major Changes, Potential Increase, and Monthly Rates

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By: Richard S

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The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a vital financial aid system in the UK that supports individuals with long-term disabilities or health conditions affecting their daily living and mobility. For the years 2024 to 2025, the PIP has undergone significant changes in its weekly and monthly rates. This article knows everything you need to know about the new PIP rates, changes, and more.

PIP Rates 2024 to 2025

Before April 2024, PIP rates were reviewed annually and adjusted to keep pace with inflation. This ensured that recipients maintained a similar level of buying power despite rising costs. For 2024 to 2025, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) implemented significant changes, increasing PIP rates by 6.7% to address the rising cost of living, particularly for essentials like food, utilities, and transportation.

New Changes

The key change for 2024 to 2025 is the 6.7% increase in PIP rates. This adjustment aims to help recipients cope with the rising cost of living. The enhanced daily living component was raised by £6.80, and the enhanced mobility component by £4.75. The standard daily living component was increased by £4.55, and the standard mobility component by £1.80. These changes are effective from April 6, 2024, to April 5, 2025.

Possible Increases

The PIP rates for 2024 to 2025 have already been increased. Future increases are typically reviewed annually by the DWP, depending on the UK’s inflation rate. While there is no guarantee of further increases beyond 2024-25, the DWP will likely monitor inflation throughout the year. If inflation continues to rise, an additional increase in PIP rates is possible but not confirmed.

Weekly and Monthly Rates

The PIP rates for 2024 to 2025 vary according to individual situations. Here is the breakdown of the weekly and monthly rates:

PIP Elements and RatesWeekly RateMonthly Rate
Daily Living Standard Rate£72.65£290.60
Daily Living Enhanced Rate£108.55£434.20
Mobility Standard Rate£28.70£114.80
Mobility Enhanced Rate£75.75£303.00
Daily Living Enhanced + Mobility Standard Rate£137.25£549.00
Daily Living Enhanced Rate + Mobility Enhanced Rate£184.30£737.20
Daily Living Standard Rate + Mobility Standard Rate£101.35£405.40
Daily Living Standard Rate + Mobility Enhanced Rate£148.40£593.60

These rates are applicable for eligible beneficiaries for their monthly and weekly financial assistance.


To be eligible for PIP from 2024 to 2025, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 16 or over.
  • Live in the United Kingdom.
  • Have a physical or mental health disorder or disability that is anticipated to last for at least 12 months.
  • Have difficulty performing everyday tasks or getting around due to your condition, which must have lasted at least 3 months.

You do not need to be working or have previously paid National Insurance to qualify for PIP. Your income or savings will not affect your eligibility.

How to Apply

Individuals meeting the eligibility criteria for PIP should contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply:

  1. Contact DWP: Reach out to the DWP to initiate your claim. You can often complete the initial contact over the phone.
  2. Receive the Form: The DWP will send you a form to complete with your basic details and information about your condition.
  3. Assessment: An independent healthcare professional may assess you to better understand your needs.
  4. Submit Evidence: Gather and submit essential supporting evidence, such as medical records and doctor’s reports.
  5. DWP Decision: The DWP will review your application and decide whether you qualify for PIP and the awarded rate for each applicable component.

Staying informed about the PIP rates and eligibility criteria can help you better manage your finances and secure the support you need.


What is the PIP rate increase for 2024 to 2025?

The PIP rates increased by 6.7% for 2024 to 2025.

When are the new PIP rates effective?

The new rates are effective from April 6, 2024, to April 5, 2025.

What is the maximum monthly PIP payment?

The maximum monthly PIP payment is £737.20.

How often are PIP rates reviewed?

PIP rates are reviewed annually by the DWP.

How do I apply for PIP?

Contact the DWP, complete the form they provide, undergo an assessment if required, and submit supporting evidence.

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